/*]]>*/Gumberg Library Summer Fellows Program Application

    Gumberg Library Summer Fellows Program Application

    The Gumberg Library Fellows Program is a unique opportunity offered to five (5) incoming undergraduate students (first-year or transfer) hoping to jump-start their Duquesne experience. Students chosen to participate in the program can begin their coursework at a discounted rate, become acquainted with our vibrant campus, and establish meaningful relationships— all while earning money in a summer work-study position at the library!

    The Fellows Program will help you lay a solid foundation for your journey at Duquesne:
    • Take summer classes. The University offers several courses that begin in mid-June and July and are designed to give you a jump start on your degree.
    • Receive a specialized job placement tailored to your specific academic interests. The library’s broad scope of service means you can work with professionals in a variety of fields, whether you’re interested in technology, education, business, communications or even health sciences.
    • Get to know our campus and your peers. By arriving to campus early, you can familiarize yourself with the campus’ layout, begin making lasting connections, and enjoy the fun of Pittsburgh in the summertime.
    • Have a job lined up for next semester. At the conclusion of the Fellows Program, interested students may have the opportunity to continue their employment at the library into the fall semester and beyond.
    Students selected for the program may receive free on-campus housing* and parking, a reduction on summer class tuition, and earn $14/hour while working up to 35 hours* per week. 

    Please submit the form below to let us know you're interested in this program. To be eligible for consideration, students must have filed a FAFSA, qualify for Federal Work-Study, and enroll in summer courses. Chosen participants will be notified in June.

    *Students taking at least twelve credits can also take advantage of reduced summer tuition rates and complimentary housing with the purchase of a meal plan! Students who are enrolled in summer courses can work up to 20 hours per week. Students not currently enrolled can work up to 35 hours.
    Activities Resume

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