FA25 - GR - Im Interested: Please Send me a Graduate Financial Aid Guidebook
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FA25 - GR - Im Interested: Please Send me a Graduate Financial Aid Guidebook
We're so excited that you want to learn more about financial aid and resources at Duquesne! To receive a DU Graduate Financial Aid Guidebook, please complete this form and we'll send you the link.
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I plan on beginning my studies in
Fall 2025
Fall 2026
Fall 2027
Fall 2028
Spring 2026
Spring 2027
Spring 2028
Summer 2025
Summer 2026
Summer 2027
Summer 2028
What is your program of interest?
Accounting and related services
Actuarial science
Administrative assistant and secretarial science
Adult and continuing education and teaching
Aerospace, aeronautical, and space engineering
African languages, literatures, and linguistics
Agricultural business and management
Agricultural engineering
Agricultural teacher education
Agriculture, agriculture operations, and related sciences
Agroecology/sustainable agriculture
Agronomy and crop science
Airframe mechanics and aircraft maintenance technology
Allied health and medical assisting services
Allied health diagnostic, intervention, and treatment professions
Alternative and complementary medicine and medical systems
American history (United States)
American literature (United States and Canada)
Analytical chemistry
Animal sciences
Apparel and textiles
Applied horticulture/horticultural business services
Applied mathematics
Arabic language and literature
Architectural engineering
Architectural technology/technician
Architecture and related services
Area studies
Area, ethnic, cultural, gender, and group studies
Art history, criticism and conservation
Art teacher education
Artificial intelligence
Arts, entertainment and media management
Athletic training/trainer
Atmospheric sciences and meteorology
Atomic/molecular physics
Automobile/automotive mechanics technology
Bilingual, multilingual, and multicultural education
Biochemical engineering
Bioengineering and biomedical engineering
Biological and biomedical sciences
Biological and physical sciences
Biological/biosystems engineering
Biology/biological sciences, general
Botany/plant biology
Business administration, management, and operations
Business Analytics
Business management, marketing, and related support services
Business statistics
Business teacher education
Business/managerial economics
Cell/cellular biology and anatomical sciences
Chemical engineering
City/urban, community, and regional planning
Civil engineering
Civil engineering technology
Classics and classical languages, literatures, and linguistics
Classics and classical languages, literatures, and linguistics, general
Clinical psychology
Clinical/medical laboratory science/research and allied Professions
Communication and media studies
Communication sciences and disorders
Communication, journalism, and related programs
Comparative literature
Computer and information sciences and support services
Computer engineering technology
Computer engineering, general
Computer game programming
Computer programming
Computer science
Computer software and media applications
Computer systems analysis
Computer systems networking and telecommunications
Construction engineering
Construction management
Construction trades
Construction trades, general
Cooking and related culinary arts, general
Cosmetology and related personal grooming services
Creative writing
Criminal justice and corrections
Criminal justice/law enforcement administration
Culinary arts and related services
Cyber/computer forensics/counterterrorism
Data processing
Data Science
Dental hygiene/hygienist
Dental laboratory technology/technician
Dental support services and allied professions
Design and applied arts
Developmental and child psychology
Dietetics and clinical nutrition services
Digital arts
Digital communication and media/multimedia
Drafting/design engineering technologies
Drama and theater arts
Early childhood and family studies
Early childhood education and teaching
East Asian languages, literatures, and linguistics
East Asian languages, literatures, and linguistics, general
Education/teaching of individuals with emotional disturbances
Education/teaching of the gifted and talented
Educational administration and supervision
Electrical and electronics engineering
Electrical engineering technologies
Electrical/electronics maintenance and repair technology
Elementary education and teaching
Energy systems technologies
Engineering chemistry
Engineering mechanics
Engineering physics/applied physics
Engineering science
Engineering technologies
English as a second language
English language and literature/letters
English literature (British and Commonwealth)
English/language arts teacher education
Environmental control technologies
Environmental design
Environmental health
Environmental science
Environmental studies
Environmental/environmental health engineering
Equestrian/equine studies
Ethnic, cultural minority, gender, and group studies
European history
Experimental psychology
Family and consumer sciences/home economics teacher education
Family and consumer sciences/human sciences
Fashion merchandising
Fashion/apparel design
Film/video and photographic arts
Finance and financial management services
Financial forensics and fraud investigation
Financial mathematics
Fine and studio art
Fire protection
Fishing and fisheries sciences and management
Food science and technology
Foods, nutrition, and wellness studies
Foreign languages and literatures, general
Foreign languages, literatures, and linguistics
Forensic chemistry
Forensic science and technology
French language and literature
Game and interactive media design
General sales, merchandising, and related marketing operations
General studies
Geological and earth sciences/geosciences
Geological/geophysical engineering
German language and literature
Graphic design
Health and medical administrative services
Health and physical education/fitness
Health and wellness
Health professions and related programs
Health services/allied health/health sciences
Health teacher education
Heating, air conditioning, ventilation and refrigeration maintenance technology
Higher education/higher education administration
History, general
Homeland security
Homeland security, law enforcement, firefighting, and related protective services
Hospital/health care facilities administration
Hospitality administration/management
Hotel, motel, and restaurant management
Housing and human environments
Human biology
Human development, family studies, and related services
Human resources management and services
Human services, general
Humanities/humanistic studies
Industrial and organizational psychology
Industrial engineering
Industrial production technologies
Information sciences/studies
Information technology project management
Interior design
International business
International relations and affairs
International/global studies
Investments and securities
Italian language and literature
Junior high/intermediate/middle school education and teaching
Kindergarten/preschool education and teaching
Labor and industrial relations
Landscape architecture
Legal assistant/paralegal
Legal professions and studies
Legal studies, general
Liberal arts and sciences, general studies and humanities
Liberal arts and sciences/liberal studies
Library and archives assisting
Library science
Library science and administration
Management information systems/services
Marine biology and biological oceanography
Marine sciences
Marketing/marketing management
Materials engineering
Materials science
Mathematics and computer science
Mathematics and statistics
Mathematics teacher education
Mathematics, general
Mechanic and repair technologies/technician
Mechanical engineering
Mechanical engineering/technologies
Meeting and event planning
Mental and social health services
Microbiological sciences and immunology
Military technologies and applied sciences
Mining and mineral engineering
Modeling, virtual environments and simulation
Molecular biology
Multi/interdisciplinary studies
Music history, literature, and theory
Music performance, general
Music teacher education
Music technology
Music theory and composition
Music therapy/therapist
Musical theater
Natural resources and conservation
Natural resources management and policy
Naval architecture and marine engineering
No Response
Nuclear engineering
Nuclear engineering technology
Nuclear medical technology/technologist
Nuclear physics
Nurse anesthetist
Nutrition sciences
Ocean engineering
Oceanography, chemical and physical
Organic chemistry
Osteopathic medicine/osteopathy (DO)
Outdoor education
Parks and recreation facilities management
Parks, recreation and leisure studies
Parks, recreation, leisure and fitness studies
Personal and culinary services
Petroleum engineering
Pharmaceutical marketing and management
Pharmaceutical sciences
Pharmacology and toxicology
Philosophy and religious studies
Physical chemistry
Physical education teaching and coaching
Physical sciences
Physician assistant
Physiology, pathology and related sciences
Planetary astronomy and science
Plastics and polymer engineering technology
Podiatric medicine/podiatry (DPM)
Political science and government
Polymer/plastics engineering
Prechiropractic studies
Predentistry studies
Prelaw studies
Premedicine/pre-medical studies
Preoccupational therapy studies
Preoptometry studies
Prepharmacy studies
Prephysical therapy studies
Preveterinary studies
Professional, technical, business, and scientific writing
Project management
Psychology teacher education
Psychology, general
Public administration
Public administration and social services
Public health
Public policy analysis
Public relations, advertising, and applied communication
Radiation biology/radiobiology
Radio and television
Radiologic technology/science - radiographer
Real estate
Rehabilitation and therapeutic professions
Religion/religious studies
Religious education
Religious Music and Worship
Respiratory care therapy/therapist
Rhetoric and composition/writing studies
Robotics technology
Russian language and literature
Science teacher education/general science teacher education
Second language learning
Secondary education and teaching
Social psychology
Social science teacher education
Social sciences
Social Work
Soil sciences
Spanish language and literature
Special education and teaching
Sport and fitness administration/management
Sports studies
Student counseling and personnel services
Surgical technology/technologist
Surveying engineering
Sustainability studies
Teaching English as a second or foreign language/ESL language instructor
Technical theater/theater design and technology
Technology teacher education/industrial arts teacher education
Telecommunications technology
Theological and ministerial studies
Theology and religious vocations
Therapeutic recreation/recreational therapy
Transportation/mobility management
Visual and performing arts
Visual and performing arts, general
Voice and opera
Wildlife, fish, wildlands science/management
Zoology/animal biology
Status (hidden)
Prospect Type (hidden)
Accelerated Online Program (Adult Student)
Continuing Education
Current Student
ESL (Degree seeking)
ESL (Non-degree seeking)
First Time Freshman
Graduate Medical
Second Bachelor's Degree