/*]]>*/FULL SPECTRUM: Exploring the Role of Music in the Autism Community

    FULL SPECTRUM: Exploring the Role of Music in the Autism Community

    Montage of student musicians at Full Spectrum Event

    FULL SPECTRUM Full Spectrum is a free musical event series designed to connect families and individuals in the autism community to one another through a common love and enjoyment of music. Featuring a weekly rotation of activities, the program series will blend informative presentations and musical performances (some led by artists who are themselves on the spectrum) with fun and exciting music-making experiences. The series will conclude with a large-scale open-mic and concert event on the final day.

    *You are welcome to come and go as needed and take in any portion of the day that fits your schedule.

    Schedule of Events

    Session 1 “Exploring Sound and Rhythm” – Saturday, April 5, 2025 (11am-2pm)

    We will feature an instrument petting zoo and lead participants in a community drum circle. Engage in call and response drumming and improvisation. Our current students will lead sing-alongs, offer demonstrations on instruments, and play musical games with participants.

    Session 2 “Behind the Scenes and Backstage” – Saturday, April 12, 2025 (11am-2pm)

    We will invite guests to tour a fully functional music production studio and give participants an opportunity to sit in on a real recording session with a live band! Bring your instrument and jam with the band or take a turn behind the audio console during mixdown.

    Session 3 “Full Spectrum Artist Showcase” – Saturday, April 26, 2025 (11am-3pm)

    The final day of the series will conclude with our partners at Band Together Pittsburgh (BTP) in a combination concert that features an open-mic followed by a programmed lineup of BTP Artists who are on the spectrum themselves.

    Hosted by the Mary Pappert School of Music and City Music Center of Duquesne University in partnership with Band Together Pittsburgh and Achieving True Self. Underwritten by the Pittsburgh Foundation.

    Register in advance below and receive a free welcome bag at the event!

