Are there any criminal charges presently pending against you other than a summary traffic offense? (Answering 'yes' to this question will not eliminate you from consideration for admission to the University.)*
Have you ever been convicted, pled guilty or no contest to a crime other than a summary traffic offense? (Answering 'yes' to this question will not eliminate you from consideration for admission to the University).*
Attach your letter of interest (PDF or Microsoft Word). Your letter of interest should describe your academic and professional goals and discuss why you wish to enroll in this program.*
By submitting this application: (a) I understand that Duquesne students are expected to abide by the Duquesne University Student Handbook including the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct. (b) ) I agree to the student financial obligation terms in the Financial Responsibility Agreement for each term of enrollment. I certify that the information given on this application is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and is my own work, including my personal essay; and that I have not attended institutions other than those listed on my application. I understand that making false or fraudulent statements within this application may result in disciplinary action, denial of admission and invalidation of credits or degrees earned. I understand that I am responsible for arranging the forwarding of official transcripts from schools I have attended and that such transcripts become the property of Duquesne University and will not be returned. I give my high school(s)/secondary school(s) and college(s)/university(ies) permission to send my official transcript(s) directly to Duquesne University. Should any of the information I have given change prior to my entry to Duquesne University, I shall immediately inform the Office of Admissions.
For non-degree seeking students: I understand that any credit I may earn as a non-degree seeking student will not be considered nor applied toward a degree at Duquesne University, unless and until I complete requirements for admission as a degree seeking student.